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Episode 289 Michaela Hempen and Anita Schnee Feldenkrais Work Pt 3: The Role of Visualization in Riding Instruction
For the past ten years Michaela has been studying with a Feldenkrais Practitioner, Nathalie Van Cauwenberghe. In the previous episodes...

Episode 288 Michaela Hempen and Anita Schnee Pt 2: The Link Between Feldenkraisâ„¢ Work and Riding Well
This week we’re continuing our conversation with Anita Schnee and Michaela Hempen. Michaela has been our guest on this podcast many...

Episode 287: Michaela Hempen & Anita Schnee Pt 1.: Feldenkrais Work and Riding
Michaela Hempen has been a frequent guest on this podcast. She has talked about her cribbing research, single subject design, and more...

Episode 286 Dr. Susan Friedman and Rick Hester Pt 3 Least Intrusive Principle
This week we’re continuing our conversation with Dr Susan Friedman and Rick Hester. In this episode we begin with a question to Susan:...
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