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Episode 150: A Celebratory Conversation with Dr. Susan Friedman
We made it! Or really I should say we made them. This is our 150th episode. That’s a milestone that is worth celebrating so we invited...

Episode 149: Riding Part 3
In Part 3 of our conversation about riding we examine the connection between the release of the rein and the “yes answer” of the click. ...

Episode 148: Riding Part 2
This is Part 2 of a three part conversation about riding with the clicker. We began in Part 1 with a description of single-rein riding....

Episode 147: Riding Part 1
This is the start of a three part conversation about riding with the clicker. In Part 1 we jump straight in with a description of...

Episode 146: Getting Started Well Takes Us Down Fun Rabbit Holes
We begin this week’s episode by talking about an up-coming Getting Started clinic that is scheduled for July 2021. This takes us down...

Episode 145 Anita Schnee and The Feldenkrais Method® Part 2
In Part One of our conversation with Anita Schnee we promised you an Awareness Through Movement lesson. That’s how we begin this week’s...

Episode 144: Anita Schnee And the Feldenkrais Method® Part 1
Horses know how to reinforce us. When we get ourselves organized and well balanced, they reward us with glorious rides. This is one of...

Episode 143: Great News!
Should I make you wait until you listen to the podcast to find out what the great news is? I think not. I’m delighted to finally be able...

Episode 142: Control and Counter-Control
I know many of us head to our horses to get away from the news, but sometimes the news intrudes and our horses can help us make sense of...

Equiosity Podcast Episode 141: Constructional Versus Pathological: Which Mindset Ripples Through You
We’ve talked a lot about constructional training in these podcasts. This week we’re exploring two related topics. The first asks how do...

Episode 140: Emotions and Emotional Behavior
When Dominique and I get together to record a podcast we usually don’t have a subject mapped out in advance. These are truly...

Episode 139: Kyle Hetzel Pt 3: Farriers, Vets, Giving Agency, Saying No, and Saying Yes!
This is part 3 of our conversation with Kyle Hetzel. Kyle is a zoo keeper. He used to work with big cats, sea lions, giraffes, wolves...

Episode 138: Kyle Hetzel Pt 2: Cows CAN Stand on Three Legs
I was tempted to call this episode: “Just Because People Tell You Something Can’t Be Done, Doesn’t Mean It Can’t Be Done”. But I thought...

Episode 137: Kyle Hetzel Part 1: Wolves, Giraffes, Sea Lions - What is the Connection to Horses?
There are many paths that bring us to horses. Kyle Hetzel has taken one of the more unusual ones. Kyle is a zoo keeper. He has worked...

Episode 136: Lisa Clifton Bumpass Part 3: Happy Alligator Toes
There were so many titles I could have given this episode. Another good one would have been: “We Haven’t Known What We’ve Known”....
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