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Episode 135: Lisa Clifton Bumpass Pt. 2: Working in Training Teams
Science Camp was held over the weekend of Feb 19-21. Dominique and I didn’t want it to end so we invited one of the participants, Lisa...

Episode 134: Lisa Clifton Bumpass Pt. 1: Whose Needs Are Met?
Science Camp was held over the weekend of Feb 19-21. What a wonderful, head spinner of an event that was! Dominique and I didn’t want...

Episode 133: Even More To Say About Food Delivery
Just when you think you’ve said all you need to say about food delivery, you discover you’ve only begun to scratch the surface. The...

Episode 132: Clinics!
Last year Alexandra Kurland switched all of her clinics over to a virtual format. This year she will be doing the same. Normally, we...

Episode 131: What Do You Do With Unwanted Behavior?
We recorded this podcast on January 13, a week after the attack on the Capital and the day the House of Representatives was debating...

Episode 130 Helene Lawler Pt 4
We’re in the middle of a fun conversation with Helene Lawler. Helene is a professional dog trainer. If you have listened to the...

Episode 129: Helene Lawler Pt 3: Good Balance Is Reinforcing
We’re in the middle of a fun conversation with Helene Lawler. Helene is a professional dog trainer. If you have listened to the...

Episode 128: Helene Lawler Pt 2: What Is Balance?
Helene Lawler is a dog trainer who has become fascinated by balance, so of course we had to have a conversation. What has she been...

Episode 127: Helene Lawler Pt 1: A Dog Trainer’s Journey Into Equine Balance
Helene Lawler is a professional dog trainer. She shares her house with 14 herding dogs so to say that she loves dogs is an...

Episode 126: Mary Hunter Pt 3: Helmets, Recycling, and Horse Training- What's the Connection?
This is part three of our conversation with Mary Hunter. Just before Thanksgiving we spent a delightful afternoon catching up with Mary....

Episode 125: Mary Hunter Pt 2: Creating Creative Teaching Strategies
Mary Hunter is a behavior analyst. She coaches people with their horse and dog training. She was our guide through the Listen and Learn...

Epoisode 124: Mary Hunter Pt. 1: Growing Cilantro - Yes It Is About Training!
Episode 124: Mary Hunter Pt 1: Growing Cilantro - Yes It Is About Training! This week begins a series with Mary Hunter. Mary is a horse...

Episode 123: Listening Well
A windy day was the spark behind a conversation about managing horses when their energy is up. That led in turn to stimulus control and...

Episode 122: Enriching Your Reinforcement Choices
This week Dominique launched us into an interesting conversation about reinforcers. If you don’t want to use food, or you want to use...

Episode 121: Find A Look
The rest of this sentence is find a look that pleases your eye. When you look at a horse what do you like? If you’re looking at ten...
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