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Episode 105: Easter Eggs Take Us To Trailer Loading
We begin by sharing some of our takeaways from Dr. Susan Friedman's fabulous interview. If you've listened to her podcast (episode 104),...

Episode 104: Susan Friedman Escape, Avoidance, The Corona Virus, and “Easter Eggs”
Dr Susan Friedman is our guest for this very special 2 hour podcast. Normally we would divide up such a long conversation into many...

Episode 103: Cindy Martin and Mary Hunter Pt 2: PORTL
In part 2 of our conversation with Cindy Martin and Mary Hunter we talk about PORTL. (Portable Operant Research and Teaching Lab) Cindy...

Episode 102: Emotions and Emotional Behavior - Cindy Martin and Mary Hunter
In a conversation with Cindy Martin and Mary Hunter we discuss the “split in the church”. You’ll have to listen to the podcast to learn...

Episode 101: Cindy Martin and Mary Hunter - Movement Cycles and Loopy Training
What is the difference between movement cycles and loopy training? That’s the question we explore. This podcast was recorded at the...

Episode 100: Celebration!
We have reached a major milestone - our 100th Episode. to celebrate we are announcing the publication of a project we have been working...

Eposide 99a: Concept Training Pt 4
We conclude this four part series with a discussion of choice as it relates to concept training. Links and resources Vidhya's web site...

Episode 99: Concept Training Pt 3
Last week we described some fun games that make use of concept training. In this episode we begin with the question - how do you teach...

Episode 98: Concept Training Pt 2
Last week we began a conversation with Vidyha Karthekiyan. If you want to learn more about her training, you can visit her web site and...

Episode 97: Concept Training Pt 1 - But First A Detour Into Husbandry
Concept training really lets our animals show us how smart they are. It is tremendous fun and it widens out the repertoire of behaviors...

Episode 96: Celebration!
This is a very different kind of podcast. Dominique and I were at the Art and Science of Animal Training Conference. We had just come...

Episode 95: Counter Conditioning Lindsay Wood Part 3
This concludes our three part conversation with Lindsay Wood on counter conditioning. In Part 1 we began with the basics of counter...

Episode 94: Lindsay Wood Brown - Counter Conditioning Part 2
Last week we began a conversation with Lindsay Wood Brown. Lindsay is a member of the Clicker Expo faculty. She is a board-certified...

Episode 93: Lindsay Wood Brown - Counter Conditioning Pt 1
Lindsay Wood Brown joins us for a conversation on counter conditioning. Dominique starts us off by describing the situation she has with...

Episode 92: Video Analysis Taken To A New Level.
In this podcast Dominique describes how she uses video analysis in her training. She adds details and some wonderful surprises in how...
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