Episode 24: Do It Differently - Part 1
We all know clicker training works great for horses, but what about cows? In Episode 21, A Postcard from Germany, we shared the story of Snickers, the cow.

The day before we recorded this current episode Dominique saw a video of Snickers. She started our conversation by sharing how amazed she was. She had never seen such a joyful cow.
Snickers' enthusiasm was a delight to watch, but her size can certainly be intimidating, especially if you aren’t familiar with cows. This led to a discussion of the importance of building a calm solid foundation into your training. That took us straight to husbandry behaviors. Everyone hopes their horse lives a long and healthy life. We don’t want to think about the potential accidents and health crises that we may have to deal with. But life has a way of throwing us curve balls, especially where horses are concerned. So how do you prepare your horse so any future medical care is not only doable, but relatively stress free? How do you train for something when you don’t know exactly what you are preparing your horses for? That was one of the discussion points in the recent webinar we had with Ken Ramirez. In this podcast we revisit the topic and discuss Ken’s approach as it relates to our own horses. We also talk about desperation clicks and one-trial quitters. For fun I throw in a goat update and Dominique talks about a great training day she had with her horses. In the library section of the Equiosity.com web site we’ve added some photos and a great video of Snickers, the cow. It’s an inspiring video. Snickers clearly not only loves clicker training, she loves her person. If you haven't already subscribed to the Equiosity member's section click here to return to the home page and the member's section.