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Episode 257: An Introduction to Feldenkrais™ Training - Part 1

If you have ever taken a riding lesson, you’ve probably experienced how confusing the instructions can be. You’re being told to: “fill your back, push with your seat - no not like that, bear down, lift up, lean forward, lean back!” You can be forgiven if you feel like shouting back: “Make up your mind! I can’t do both at the same time!”

Riding instruction is a challenge because we are attempting to translate into words physical actions. And my starting point, what works well for me probably isn’t your starting point. Generalities are useful, but at the end of the day, instruction needs to be a study of one. It works best when it is tailored to each individual.

My clinics almost always include opportunities to explore handling and riding details without the horses being present. You slide down lead ropes that are being held by “human horses”. Another rider gives you direct feedback which means your horse is spared some of your learning curve. Various body awareness lessons let handlers make discoveries about how best to organize their own balance. Through this process we can create verbal translations for desired physical changes. Now when the instructor tells you to “fill your back”, you aren’t left thinking: “fill it with what!?” Instead you know how to translate this phrase into a meaningful physical response.

I originally saw this style of teaching being used in the 1980s by two innovators who helped bring riding instruction and horse training into the modern world. I’m talking about Sally Swift, the developer of Centered Riding and Linda Tellington-Jones, the founder of TTEAM (the Tellington-Jones Equine Awareness Method).

In this week’s episode we’re going to use a look back at their work to introduce a new series on the Feldenkrais™ work. Next week we’ll be joined by Anita Schnee. Anita is a Feldenkrais™ Practitioner who is very familiar with my work. She’ll be sharing a Feldenkrais™ Awareness Through Movement lesson with us so you will have an opportunity to experience the Feldenkrais™ work directly. This look back at the work of two great innovators gives us a starting point for the conversation that we’ll begin in next week’s episode.



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