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Episode 259: Anita Schnee and the Feldenkrais Work Pt 3: An ATM Lesson

This is part three of a four part series on the Feldenkrais Method. In part 1 I took us on a look back at the pioneering work of two very innovative individuals - Sally Swift the developer of Centered Riding and LTJ the creator of TTEAM training. Sally’s work introduced the horse world to the Alexander technique and helped to modernize the way riding is taught. And Linda introduced the horse world to Feldenkrais™ work.

In Part 2 Anita Schnee joined us to introduce more fully the Feldenkrais™ work. In a way we have danced around saying what the Feldenkrais™ work is. In Behavior Analysis we talk about a study of one. That’s true for the Feldenkrais™ work as well. What you take from the lesson we’re sharing in this episode will be unique to you.

So this week Anita is sharing an Awareness Through Movement Feldenkrais™ lesson which she designed for this podcast episode. It is yours to enjoy.

If you enjoy Anita's ATM lesson and want more, twice a month Anita offers an ATM lesson via zoom. These sessions are recorded so you can use them many times over, and if you aren't able to join us live, you will still have access to the recording. If you are interested in joining these sessions, email me and I will connect you with Anita.



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