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Episode 287: Michaela Hempen & Anita Schnee Pt 1.: Feldenkrais Work and Riding

Michaela Hempen has been a frequent guest on this podcast. She has talked about her cribbing research, single subject design, and more recently about how animal welfare is assessed. When it comes to horses Michaela and I share a love of beautiful movement, so she has also joined us when we talked with Anja Beran, the classical rider whose work inspires both of us.

For the past ten years Michaela has been studying with a Feldenkrais™ practitioner, Nathalie Van Cauwenbergghe. In this episode Michaela talks about the challenges riding presents and recent breakthroughs she has made. Anja Beran has said that in order to ride well you have to stabilize your torso, but all the rest of the body must remain loose. Nathalie has been helping Michaela translate these words into riding reality.

We are also joined by Anita Schnee, a Feldenkrais™ practitioner. Anita helps us to understand what the Feldenkrais™ work is. She provides insights into the changes Michaela has been exploring.


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